針筒? 民國,骨質,長13.5cm,直徑2.5cm,黑褐色,器物外表呈現骨質紋理,造型簡捷實用,是裝盛針灸用針的工具。Bone container for needles in the Republic of China,13.5cm in length,2.5cm in diameter,black and brown color,bone lines in the surface,simple in modeling and practica...[雜器] 發(fā)表時間:2022-05-13
骨針? 大溪文化,骨質,長9.2cm,形體較小,一端較為尖利而另端稍殘,亦為較原始的針刺工具。Bone needle with Daxi Culture,9.2cm in length,small needle,sharp in one end and slight incomplete in another end,original tool of acupuncture.骨針? 大溪文化,骨質,長16cm,一端尖利而另...[雜器] 發(fā)表時間:2022-05-13
藏醫(yī)藥盒? 近代,直徑7.5cm,帶蓋高10cm,做工精細。Tibetan Medicine box in modern time,7.5cm in diameter,10cm in height with cover,exquisite workmanship.[雜器] 發(fā)表時間:2022-05-13
醫(yī)療用具? 民國Medical instruments in the Republic of China.外科手術器械? 清代Surgical operating instruments in Qing Dynasty.[雜器] 發(fā)表時間:2022-05-13
熏爐? 清代,景泰藍,高21cm,口徑10cm,象鼻形三足,通體雍容華貴。Cloisonne Censer in Qing Dynasty,21cm in height,10cm in caliber,three feet in shape of elephant trunk,elegant and poised look,exquisite beyond comparison.[雜器] 發(fā)表時間:2022-05-13
雜器質地多樣、形制多彩,骨、鐵、石、錫等不一而足,功能各異,匠心獨運,展現中醫(yī)藥文物豐富而精彩的文化性、精巧而質樸的實用性。The other wares are made of bone,iron,stone and tin.They are different in function and exercise people's inventive mind.They resent a rich and wonderful ...[雜器] 發(fā)表時間:2022-05-13