The great development and achievement about Sichuanmedicine in the time of West and Eastern Han Dynastieswere exactly reflected in the grand occasion of production andcollection of medicinal materials and frequency of medicalactivities in the time from Weste Han Dynasty to the time ofEastern Han Dynasty according to the real stories of medicaldoctors such as Fu Wong,Cheng Gao,Guo Yushi and Li Zhuwhich were recorded in the books of Hua Yang Guo Zhi andHou Han Shu.The medical relics unearthered from tombsin Han Dynasty in Shuang Bao Shan in Mianyang and LaoGuan Shan in Chengdu became valuable evidence of medicaldevelopment in Sichuan in that time.The reappearance of 920pieces of Bamboo Slips about medicine unearthed form LaoGuan Shan has demonstrated the importance that TCM theoryand clinic formed into it's system befor Han Dynasty.