The specimen of fresh plants or animals are first disposed by special antiseptic and fresh retainingmethods and then they are put into the container which is full of liquid of fresh retaining.Theoriginal shape and color will be well preserved for long time.Specimen is the first informationwhich may help identify the truth of object form.Retaining specimen fresh by infusion mayprevent the color and the shape of the species from being changed under the normal temperature.The species features of different kinds can be seen directly and the view is more enjoyable.Heredisplay commonly used specimen such as Fritillaria Unibracteata,Radix cyathulae,Isatis tinctoria,Radix angelicae,the Root of red-rooted salvia,Ligusticum wallichii,Platycodon grandiflorum,Lysimachia christinae hance,Leonurus,Mint,Chinese Herbaceous peony and so on.