

I've been taking online classes for two weeks now, and the schedule is hectic from Monday through Friday. During those two weeks, there have been ups and downs with this online courses. The most common problem that I face is the poor connection. Sometimes I can not hear my teacher's voice clearly during the lecture and sometimes I'm not able to log in because of server failure due to the many people trying to log in at the same time. Therefore, after the online class I re-read the material that my teacher sent in our group chat and I also ask friends about the material that I missed due to the internet problem.
Because China is one hour ahead of Indonesia, I have to manage my time well. I wake up early morning to help my mother clean the house and to prepare for the morning class. After morning class is finished, I can have a rest and lunch before I prepare for the next class. In the evening I help my little brother with his homework before I prepare for my evening class. At night I sleep early so I can wake up early.

ONE of the student from India, Mittal Priyanshi 米芮Compelled to close the campus to limit the spread of coronavirus,our University decided to move our classes online.
We have been provided with a proper time table telling us about out class schedule but due to difference in time zone, it is a bit difficult to attend especially the morning class.
Our teacher first decided to use "rain classroom" app but then we shifted to "zoom" app due to connection problems. So now , we sometime attend class on rain classroom app , sometimes on zoom and sometimes we are unable to connect to either of the two and thus miss the lecture because of the network problem. Sometimes , we loose the connection in middle of class.
Unlike actual classroom, we cannot have a proper discussion on apps, we can only listen to teacher and see the slides.
Despite all the shortcomings, our teachers are really supportive. They record their lecture and send it in the group along with the ppt with whole content of class so that each and every student can access it.

My name is Windie Yestia Arieski. I come from Indonesia. I study at Chengdu University of TCM program 中西醫(yī)臨床醫(yī)學(xué)。In the middle of January, there is a Corona Virus in China, make all of the people panic about that, of course foreign students in China also. Many of us go back to our country. My friends and I, we choose before to stayed in China to spend our holiday but we can't. We must to go back at the end of January. While in Indonesia everyday we continue to monitor how the condition of China. Through television or social media. But until the holidays was over, we have not been able to return to China because this virus has not disappeared. Finally for continue our study in this semester the school facilitates us with online class. But after 11 days I was in Indonesia I got a disaster. My phone was lost when I was sleep in my home, it's because a burglar came in. I'm so panic because my wechat in there. I can't get some information without wechat. Finally I do everything to get my phone back, search by myself and report to the police. I'm waiting for news from the police but until now there is nothing happened. "Oke if I can't get back my phone it's oke but I must get back my wechat" I said to myself. To login to my Wechat account is very difficult because of i can't get verification code in here. There are 3 ways to login, first use verification code, second use QQ and the last one use e-mail. Of course I can't use the first way because I can't get the verification code. I also can't use QQ because I didn't get the verification code from there. Use email? I was try so many time but there's no one email come in. I'm so frustrated before, if I can't get my wechat so I can't take an online class. I do and I do again and again until I found some way, that is help friend request. And finally I got my wechat back. My problem do not stop there, studying at home is very difficult, my younger sister and brother always disturbing me, so it makes me difficult to focus. And then the difference time is also a problem, sometimes my teacher wants the class start at 11:30 p.m with china time, yeah i know in their country it's means 07.30 p.m but in my side it's 12.30 a.m it's not time to study it's time to sleep. And in other side while the online class is starting, the price of network so high in here like I use 50 Yuan just for 3 days, it's so different with china. When I stayed in china I use 50 Yuan for a month or if I use wifi just need 150 Yuan for a year, and if we didn't have online class so it will be free for us just come to the class. A high network price does not mean getting a good network quality. Usually when online classes begin, the connection so poor I can't hear what the teacher is saying. We use 雨課堂 and Zoom for our online class. If the 雨課堂can't work so we move to the Zoom. This application really helps us to learn. If the network so poor we can hear it again in other time, I like it so much.
However, the campus is still the most comfortable place to study with all the facilities available. I really miss my campus, get up early, go to class, meet with friends and teachers, eat in the canteen, study in the library, work out together in the park, and especially when it is spring, blooming flowers that make our campus more beautify. We all miss you, 武漢加油, 中國加油。Our prayers are always with you.

My name is Wafiqah Aprillia 王霏 2018 batch with roll number 201861007, currently I am in my hometown Bengkulu, Indonesia. Nowadays In my city due to extreme climate changes, hence poor internet connection and lack of internet access. Most of the time I am using Wi-fi in my home but it is still inconvenient sometimes, there was some delay on the voice and power point while we were on the online lectures. So I try to use my mobile data as well and it is a bit better but it can be suddenly down and disconnected.
But in the end no matter how bad the condition right now I still try my best to regularly join the online lectures and eager to study hard by myself by using the materials subject which given by teachers. And I’m so thankful for the teacher’s effort on making situation better for everyone and also I hope my current condition can be compensated by the teachers. Thank you.